Fort Cox Agriculture and Forestry Training Institute affairs is student-focused and at all times strives to address the challenges or concerns of its highly important client or stakeholder.


FCAFTI Student Affairs section prides itself in the ability to respond to the current and/or prospective students' needs through the use of 4th industrial revolution communication approaches and proactive personnel who are readily available to confront all social and academic related challenges in the interest of satisfying the clients. Furthermore, through its student services wing the section renders highly significant services which include health care and wellness programmes, management of student representative council (SRC), sports and recreation activities, financial aid and student disciplinary. Also, student bureau wing provides assistance and support on admission, registration and examination matters.

Student Services

  • Student Representative Council
  • Admission
    Apply to Study @Fort Cox
  • Registration
    registration for the second year students will commence on the 24th of January 2022, while the first year students' registration will commence on the 31st January.
  • Health Care and Wellness Services
    Institute have the Clinic services and Counselling as well as social worker's services to ensure that the students remain healthy both physically and mentally as an approach to make sure that they always focused to their studies.
  • Sports and Recreation
    Various sporting codes and choir are available  for the students to participate in.

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